Orange Alert

Graduate Studies

The Department of Mathematics offers graduate programs leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics and Mathematics Education. Our department is committed to research, teaching, and to creating an atmosphere in which mathematics is studied, practiced, discussed, and enjoyed. The internationally-known faculty offer a broad variety of courses to provide a solid foundation of mathematical training, as well as advanced topics classes at the forefront of current research. The graduate students form a tight-knit and friendly group, with frequent social gatherings as well as mutual support in their mathematical studies.

You may be interested in the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions. For more detailed information, see the links below.

Degree Program Descriptions

The College of Arts and Sciences also offer M.S. in Applied Statistics.

Some applicants are unsure whether to apply for the M.S. program or the Ph.D. program in Mathematics. You do not need to have a Master’s degree to enter the Ph.D. program; as part of completing the Ph.D. program you will automatically earn a M.S. degree along the way. If you are unsure, we recommend you apply to the Ph.D. program, since Ph.D. students are eligible for University fellowships that are not available to M.S. applicants.

How to Apply

To receive full consideration, your application should be complete by January 26, 2024

Applications should be submitted electronically to the Graduate Admission Processing. Look for the `Begin Application’ link. You will need to create an account on the application system.

Your application should contain:

  • A completed application form
  • TOEFL scores for international applicants
  • a brief (about 500 words) statement indicating why you wish to pursue graduate study and why Syracuse is a good fit for you
  • a curriculum vitae or resume
  • A transcript from each postsecondary institution attended should be sent by the institution to the SU Graduate School.
  • 3 letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the SU Graduate School. You will enter your letter-writers' names and information in the application system.

International applicants must take the TOEFL. TOEFL scores should be reported in your application as well as sent directly to SU by the ETS. The institution code for Syracuse University is 2823.

Submission of GRE Math subject score is optional, and we do not consider the GRE general exam. GRE subject exam scores do not form a large piece of our application evaluation and we do not penalize applications that do not submit scores. If you are proud of your scores and want to submit them, please include the information in your resume or personal statement.

You will be notified by the Graduate School as soon as a decision concerning admission is made. If the Mathematics Department decides to award an assistantship, in most cases you will be notified by the Mathematics Department about the same time you are notified of your admission to the program.

Financial Support

Every applicant for graduate study is automatically considered for financial support (teaching assistantships, fellowships, and research assistantships). There is no additional application required.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships

Graduate teaching assistantships in the Mathematics Department (for those who, on the basis of their spoken English, have been cleared to teach) carry a stipend (2022-2023) ranging from $20,361-24,584 for the academic year, the latter amount being for those assistants who have passed the Qualifying Examination. Teaching Assistantships are accompanied by a tuition scholarship for 24 credit hours.

The normal obligation for teaching assistants is officially 20 hours of service per week, which includes class time, preparation, grading, and office hours. A typical assignment is equivalent to teaching four recitations or one section including a recitation of a mathematics course per semester. Teaching assistantships are generally renewed each year by the Mathematics Department (with the concurrence of the Graduate School), as long as the student executes his/her teaching duties competently and continues to make satisfactory progress toward a graduate degree in Mathematics.

Command of English is an important criterion in the awarding of teaching assistantships.

Additional summer support (in the form of teaching assistantships and/or fellowships), is usually available for continuing graduate students who have completed at least one semester of graduate study in our Mathematics Department. In recent summers, this support averaged over $4,000 per student.

Research Assistantships

May be available to advanced graduate students working in conjunction with faculty with grant support. Availability varies from year to year.

University Funding Options

The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs has several options for funding graduate students. Please see the OFASP web page for further information.


Mathematics Programs

William Wylie, Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Affairs
215 Carnegie
Mathematics Department
Syracuse University
Syracuse NY 13244-1150
Phone: 315.443.1460
Fax: 315.443.1475

Mathematics Education Programs

Joanna O. Masingila, Professor and Coordinator of Mathematics Education
215 Carnegie
Mathematics Department
Syracuse University
Syracuse NY 13244-1150
Phone: 315.443.1483
Fax: 315.443.1475